Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics (Issue 32, August 2013—Women Looking at Vispo Issue)

Melanie Noel
After Judith Copithorne’s The Letter O

Judith Copithorne
The Letter O

Love Poem for Edward Snowden

Silver inchoate to green,

  our ears not evolved or tuned for it yet.

 Those leaves that are water, for instance; or as at the sperm bank,

goldfish swimming suggestively beside the nurse in their bowl, while the nurse’s Y2K pin

 swims aimlessly in her drawer.

Bird’s Nest

Bird’s Nest root

Convulsion root

Convulsion weed

Corpse plant

Dutchman’s pipe

Fairy smoke

Fit plant

Fit root

Fit Root Plant

Ghost Flower

Ice Plant

Indian Pipe

Nest Root


To your purr Snowden the rest are theremin.

Minus the 1 and I, vertical time civilly wakes.

Their shell game to your sailing stone–

Things that grow in the dark and cannot be picked:

(though wild malus is picked and ripens there,

and the moon’s ambling root sets the shutter speed of the sun).