Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Jessica Moore

Jessica Moore is an author, translator and musician. Her book, Everything, now, has been called “a powerful journey through love and loss, serving, ultimately, to unsettle any notion of a boundary between them.” The collection is partly a conversation with her translation of Turkana Boy, a poetic novel by Jean-François Beauchemin, for which she won a PEN America Translation Award. Jessica’s translation of Birth of a Bridge by Maylis de Kerangal details a fantastical California in daring prose; her translation of de Kerangal’s moving and unusual story of a heart transplant, Mend the Living, is forthcoming in 2016 (Talonbooks, Canada; Maclehose Press, UK). Her debut solo album, Beautiful in Red, features her banjo, voice and body-percussion. All of her work examines loss and the connections that sustain us.