Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics (Issue 26, February 2013—Tribute to Jake Adam York)

Tribute to Jake Adam York

Alex C. Dembicki

And all the ten o’clock stories will shake their heads

righteous with I told you so and all the papers will click

their tongues in black and cross themselves in white

because what an unfortunate thing     but     the virtuous

will say at least its not them and maybe it’s just as well

because it’s just not natural and naturally this is what happens

when you choose to be like that so he was just begging for it

and what the local hero swore to authorities is probably all true

after all he’s got that quarterback smile and a hell of an arm

and fist and boot    but    did you see that killer grin?

so let’s drop this    drown it in a lake of fire and forget

that this was someone and that it did happen and it will happen

again lured out by slick tongue and sweeted to his knees

only to be discarded for the sunrise and its joggers to find

his destruction pummeled and punctured broken bones blood and bruise

this tragedy lashed to a fence this lesson nailed to a chapter and verse.

*First appeared in The Susquehanna Review