Heir Apparent (Issue #10: April 2013)

Velvet is on the wall

Wheeling his way with

Green eyes that bark.

Tired of the Victorian life

Style, the poached “oh.”

Mary has one ball.

“Get on,” said Jeff.

2 orbs off Lucy’s

Make-out story

What they believe is

Different: A dress.

A jet airplane.

Pockets quarreling in

The rain the various

Depictions of one definition

In perspective years ago

The snapper, the number

The singular, the plural

The Proper common eats

Every Mary is up

Mike does what Jeff

Does. Day has come

Each lettered tab gnawed

Didn’t enough Ellen’s sister

Lights limerick dog shots

A request to recumbent

Spider written in letter fear

Lucy said Jeff said Mike

Said Day said Velvet said Ellen

Said Roar.