Heir Apparent (Issue #10: April 2013)

A man at work

Yells like a yellow

Ball left of all his pigment.

Off of this man is old

More hair loss more

Gait more not new

Plus father that knows

Here is one Bird

Or the word bird

That puts the bird mad

Laughing come close to

Your brain flitting, counting

Very bad balls.

An astronaut lubed

Up in his Suit.

An Apartment

Upped in its Rent.

An around

Treed the As As

Ass wipe onto

The parquet, the love birds

Mother tried to save

With her golf glove.

Began the Beds,

“Mike will be heart right”

And Bolo and Velvet and

Blue Balls book the bones.

This is Jack’s house.

Boy is the expression.

Ten-thousand kindnesses

Came in the morning mail,

In the calm simplicity

Of the illustration.

Here cage call

The countdown, the cowboy

The cut. How many things

Can you cut cunt?

Do something doing

Roll out the eyes

Do out the done.