The Volta: Medium

Matthew Henriksen & Sam King | Issue #37 (September 7, 2012)

Matthew Henriksen’s first book, Ordinary Sun emerged from Black Ocean in 2011. Some recent poems appear in Mandorla, Fence, Handsome, Realpoetik, Raleigh Quarterly, Alice Blue Review, Sink Review, and So & So Magazine. A special feature of Frank Stanford’s unpublished poems, fiction, and correspondence selected by Henriksen appears in Fulcrum #7. He co-edits Typo, an online poetry journal, and lives and teaches in the Ozark Mountains.

Sam King is an artist and musician from Fort Smith, Arkansas. He is a co-editor of MW Capacity, a website devoted to painting, primarily in the Midwest. He attended the University of Tulsa (BFA, 2003, Painting & Printmaking) and Indiana University (MFA, 2005, Painting). He received an Individual Artist Fellowship from the Arkansas Arts Council in 2007. He lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas and his website is