
image of Francisco Aragón

Francisco Aragón: Poemfilm

image of Rae Armantrout

Rae Armantrout: Poemfilm

image of Hadara Bar-Nadav

Hadara Bar-Nadav: Poemfilm

image of Hansa Bergwall & Timothy Liu video

Hansa Bergwall: Poemfilm

image of Chris Peebles & BLENKO

BLENKO: Poemfilm

image of Daniel Borzutzky

Daniel Borzutzky: Poemfilm

image of Jessica Bozek

Jessica Bozek: Poemfilm

image of Susan Briante

Susan Briante: Poemfilm | Interview | Poetics | Poem | Bio

image of Wendy Burk

Wendy Burk: Poemfilm | Movie

image of Laura Carter

Laura Carter: Poemfilm

image of Garrett Caples

Garrett Caples: Poemfilm

image of Joshua Clover

Joshua Clover: Poemfilm

image of Cyrus Console

Cyrus Console: Poemfilm

image of Peter Davis

Peter Davis: Poemfilm

image of Oliver de la Paz

Oliver de la Paz: Poemfilm

image of Tsering Wangmo Dhompa

Tsering Wangmo Dhompa: Poemfilm

image of Brandon Downing

Brandon Downing: Poemfilm | Poemfilm

image of Sandy Florian

Sandy Florian: Poemfilm | Bio

image of Brian Foley

Brian Foley: Poemfilm | Poem | Bio

image of Barbara Claire Freeman

Barbara Claire Freeman: Poemfilm

image of John Gallaher

John Gallaher: Poemfilm

image of Susana Gardner

Susana Gardner: Poemfilm

image of James Gendron, Amy Lawless, and Zachary Schomburg

James Gendron: Poemfilm

image of Kenneth Goldsmith

Kenneth Goldsmith: Poemfilm

image of Veronica Golos

Veronica Golos: Poemfilm | Poetics | Bio

image of AB Gorham

AB Gorham: Poemfilm

image of Anne Gorrick

Anne Gorrick: Poemfilm

image of K. Lorraine Graham

K. Lorraine Graham: Poemfilm

image of Richard Greenfield

Richard Greenfield: Poemfilm

image of Kate Greenstreet

Kate Greenstreet: Poemfilm

image of Annie Guthrie

Annie Guthrie: Poemfilm

image of Matt Hart

Matt Hart: Poemfilm

image of Yona Harvey

Yona Harvey: Poemfilm

image of Matthew Henriksen

Matthew Henriksen: Poemfilm | First Book Questionnaire | Bio

image of Deborah Poe & Claire Hero

Claire Hero: Poemfilm

image of Brandi Katherine Herrera

Brandi Katherine Herrera: Poemfilm

image of Harmony Holiday

Harmony Holiday: Poemfilm | Poem | Bio

image of Geof Huth

Geof Huth: Poemfilm

image of Pierre Joris

Pierre Joris: Poemfilm

image of Andrew Joron

Andrew Joron: Poemfilm | Poetics | Bio

image of Megan Kaminski

Megan Kaminski: Poemfilm

image of Douglas Kearney

Douglas Kearney: Poemfilm

image of Sean Kilpatrick

Sean Kilpatrick: Poemfilm

image of Amy King

Amy King: Poemfilm | Poetics | Poem | Bio

image of Sam King

Sam King: Poemfilm

image of Sophie Klahr

Sophie Klahr: Poemfilm

image of Drew Krewer

Drew Krewer: Poemfilm | Movie

image of Joshua Kryah

Joshua Kryah: Poemfilm | Poem | Bio

image of Catherine Owen & Sydney Lancaster

Sydney Lancaster: Poemfilm

image of James Gendron, Amy Lawless, and Zachary Schomburg

Amy Lawless: Poemfilm

image of Hansa Bergwall & Timothy Liu video

Timothy Liu: Poemfilm

image of Jordan Stempleman & Ryan MacDonald

Ryan MacDonald: Poemfilm

image of Joseph Mains

Joseph Mains: Poemfilm

image of Tony Mancus

Tony Mancus: Poemfilm

image of Nicholas Manning

Nicholas Manning: Poemfilm

image of Farid Matuk

Farid Matuk: Poetics | Race Roundtable | Poemfilm | Bio

image of Bernadette Mayer

Bernadette Mayer: Poemfilm

image of Jane Miller

Jane Miller: Poemfilm

image of Christina Mengert

Christina Mengert: Poemfilm

image of Ander Monson

Ander Monson: Poemfilm

image of Frank Montesonti

Frank Montesonti: Poemfilm

image of Rusty Morrison

Rusty Morrison: Poemfilm | Poetics | Bio

image of Laura Mullen

Laura Mullen: Poemfilm | Poetics | Homage to Doris | Bio

image of Sara Mumolo

Sara Mumolo: Poemfilm | Poem | Bio

image of Sawako Nakayasu

Sawako Nakayasu: Poemfilm

image of Chris Nealon

Chris Nealon: Poemfilm

image of Amber Nelson

Amber Nelson: Poemfilm

image of Melanie Noel

Melanie Noel: Poemfilm

image of Catherine Owen & Sydney Lancaster

Catherine Owen: Poemfilm

image of Shin Yu Pai

Shin Yu Pai: Poemfilm

image of Chris Peebles & BLENKO

Chris Peebles: Poemfilm

image of Deborah Poe & Claire Hero

Deborah Poe: Poemfilm

image of Elizabeth Robinson

Elizabeth Robinson: Poetics | Poemfilm | Bio

image of Martha Ronk

Martha Ronk: Poemfilm

image of Emily Rosko

Emily Rosko: Poemfilm

image of Lisa Samuels

Lisa Samuels: Poemfilm

image of Kyle Schlesinger

Kyle Schlesinger: Poemfilm

image of Zachary Schomburg

Zachary Schomburg: Poemfilm | Movie | Conversation | Bio

image of Cassandra Smith

Cassandra Smith: Poemfilm

image of Dale Smith

Dale Smith: Poemfilm | Poetics | Bio

image of Jordan Stempleman & Ryan MacDonald

Jordan Stempleman: Poemfilm

image of William Stobb

William Stobb: Poemfilm

image of Shelly Taylor

Shelly Taylor: Poemfilm

image of Brian Teare

Brian Teare: Poemfilm | Interview with Andrew Zawacki | Bio

image of Laura Theobald

Laura Theobald: Poemfilm

image of Maureen Thorston

Maureen Thorston: Poemfilm

image of Brandon Downing & Daniel Tiffany

Daniel Tiffany: Poemfilm

image of TC Tolbert

TC Tolbert: Poemfilm

image of Cecilia Vicuña

Cecilia Vicuña: Poemfilm

image of Anne Waldman

Anne Waldman: Poemfilm

image of Tyrone Williams

Tyrone Williams: Poemfilm | Poetics | Interview | Review of Ali | Bio

image of Mark Wallace

Mark Wallace: Poemfilm

image of Andy Young

Andy Young: Poemfilm

image of Jason Zuzga

Jason Zuzga: Poemfilm