
Media Editors
image of Julia Cohen

Julia Cohen is the author of Triggermoon Triggermoon (Black Lawrence Press, 2011) and her poems appear in places like jubilat, 6x6, Colorado Review, and Octopus. She is the Associate Editor of the Denver Quarterly and the co-editor of Saltgrass.

image of Patrick Culliton

Patrick Culliton lives and works in Chicago. He is Associate Editor for Conduit and co-host for the Talus, Or Scree podcast. His chapbook, Hornet Homily, is available from Octopus Books.

image of Kate Greenstreet

Kate Greenstreet's books are case sensitive and The Last 4 Things, both from Ahsahta Press. The Last 4 Things comes with a DVD (two films, about half an hour of viewing). Some of Kate's newer videos can be seen here. Ahsahta will publish her third book, Young Tambling, in 2013. Her website is

image of Laura Mullen

Laura Mullen is a Professor at Louisiana State University. She is the author of six books: The Surface, After I Was Dead, Subject and Dark Archive (University of California Press, 2011), The Tales of Horror, and Murmur. Her work has been widely anthologized and is included in American Hybrid (Norton), and forthcoming in I'll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women. Her seventh book is forthcoming from Otis Editions in June 2012. (Photo by Ryan Gibbs)

image of Mathias Svalina

Mathias Svalina is the author of one poetry collection, Destruction Myth (CSU Poetry Center) and the novella, I Am A Very Productive Entrepreneur (Mud Luscious Press), along with numerous chapbooks. With Zachary Schomburg, he co-edits the online journal Octopus Magazine & the small press Octopus Books. He lives in Denver.