
Andy Young | Issue #81 (January 1, 2014)


Song of the Plastic Bags

on the road to Saqqara

a road beside the road

or a piled path of rocks

or oh my trash

solid seeming

and solid in fact

solid bottles muck cups buckets

rafted together yes a solid

but step on it and sink

green between the swill

and hydrocarbons

this is water a finger

of the Nile snaking along

beside the road to Memphis’

necropolis, the oldest pyramid

with its stacked mastabas

its refusal to disappear

below it the Serapeum vaults

tombs for the Apis bulls

actual bulls their tombs

like rooms you could walk in

you can count the stars carved

into the ceiling

of the road

for the dead

and the dead never leave

look the trash is singing for them

wind’s throat through sacs

polymer polymer polymer

polypropylene polyethylene

snagged all down  the barbed wire


Andy Young’s third chapbook The People is Singular was published in 2012. Her poems, essays, and translations have been featured internationally and in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Callaloo, Guernica, and the Norton anthology Language for a New Century. Since 2012, she has been dividing her time between New Orleans, where she works for the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts and UNO’s Intensive English Language Program, and Egypt, where she works for the American University in Cairo.