Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics (Issue 33, September 2013—Women of Visual Poetry Issue)

Rachel Defay-Liautard
) nascita di.Ven > i < re (della

image of Rachel Defay-Liautard

Rachel Defay-Liautard is a french poet born 1973. Her work_ from concrete, vispo, e-poetry/net-art, installation, street and mail-art to performance or videopoetry_ appears in nokturno, GAMMM, zswound, InternaPwoWriMo, new post-literate, REM, coupremine, … – Text festival (UK), Klebnikov carnaval (Be.), Overwriting, Le placard (live + streaming perf.), PE#64, batterie faible (LP), 4ninabis (radio), … – (...) – maintenants, synapse