They Will Sew The Blue Sail


image of Samuel Ace

Samuel Ace: Poem | Poem | Poetics | Movie | Conversation | Bio

image of Sam Amadon

Sam Amadon: Poem | Bio

image of Rae Armantrout

Rae Armantrout: Poem | Poem | Poemfilm | Bio

image of John Ashbery

John Ashbery: Poem | Bio

image of Mary Ellen Ballard

Mary Ellen Ballard: Poem | Bio

image of Sarah Bartlett

Sarah Bartlett: Poem | Bio

image of Eric Baus

Eric Baus: Poem | Bio

image of Dan Beachy-Quick

Dan Beachy-Quick: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of Chad Bennett

Chad Bennett: Poem | Bio

image of Jaswinder Bolina

Jaswinder Bolina: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of Dexter Booth

Dexter Booth: Poem | Bio

image of Claire Bowman

Claire Bowman: Poem | Bio

image of Ana Božičević

Ana Božičević: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of David Brazil

David Brazil: Poem | Bio

image of Susan Briante

Susan Briante: Poem | Bio

image of Hannah Brooks-Motl

Hannah Brooks-Motl: Poem | Bio

image of Jericho Brown

Jericho Brown: Poem | Bio

image of Thea Brown

Thea Brown: Poem | Bio

image of Wendy Burk

Wendy Burk: Poem | Bio

image of Angela Carr

Angela Carr: Poem | Bio

image of Bill Carty

Bill Carty: Poem | Bio

image of Dara Cerv

Dara Cerv: Poem | Bio

image of Jae Choi

Jae Choi: Poem | Bio

image of Lisa Ciccarello

Lisa Ciccarello: Poem | Bio

image of William Clark

William Clark: Poem | Bio

image of John Cleary

John Cleary: Poem | Bio

image of Kate Colby

Kate Colby: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of Christopher Cokinos

Christopher Cokinos: Poem | Movie | Bio

image of Leopoldine Core

Leopoldine Core: Poem | Bio

image of Liz Countryman

Liz Countryman: Poem | Bio

image of Michael Earl Craig

Michael Earl Craig: Poem | Bio

image of E. G. Cunningham

E. G. Cunningham: Poem | Bio

image of Sophia Dahlin

Sophia Dahlin: Poem | Bio

image of Adam Day

Adam Day: Poem | Bio

image of Linh Dinh

Linh Dinh: Poem | Bio

image of Michael Donhauser

Michael Donhauser: Poem | Bio

image of Jenny Drai

Jenny Drai: Poem | Bio

image of Brooke Ellsworth

Brooke Ellsworth: Poem | Bio

image of Christophe Lamiot Enos

Christophe Lamiot Enos: Poem | Bio

image of Clayton Eshleman

Clayton Eshleman: Poem | Poem | Michaux Translation | Bio

image of Rebecca Farivar

Rebecca Farivar: Poem | Bio

image of Lisa Fishman

Lisa Fishman: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of Stephanie Ford

Stephanie Ford: Poem | Bio

image of Graham Foust

Graham Foust: Poem | Bio

image of Barbara Claire Freeman

Barbara Claire Freeman: Poem | Bio

image of Emily Kendal Frey

Emily Kendal Frey: Poem | Bio

image of Marc Gaba

Marc Gaba: Poem | Bio

image of Elisa Gabbert

Elisa Gabbert: Poem | Bio

image of Karen Garthe

Karen Garthe: Poem | Bio

image of Judith Goldman

Judith Goldman: Poem | Bio

image of Camille Guthrie

Camille Guthrie: Poem | Bio

image of Anya Groner

Anya Groner: Poem | Bio

image of Annie Guthrie

Annie Guthrie: Poem | Movie | Poemfilm | Bio

image of Gillian Hamel

Gillian Hamel: Poem | Bio

image of Ally Harris

Ally Harris: Poem | Bio

image of Yona Harvey

Yona Harvey: Poem | First Book Questionnaire | Poemfilm | Bio

image of Brent Hendricks

Brent Hendricks: Poem | Bio

image of Brenda Hillman

Brenda Hillman: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of Harmony Holiday

Harmony Holiday: Poem | Bio

image of Anna Maria Hong

Anna Maria Hong: Poem | Bio

image of Fanny Howe

Fanny Howe: Poem | Bio

image of Emily Hunt

Emily Hunt: Poem | Bio

image of Jen Hyde

Jen Hyde: Poem | Bio

image of Lucy Ives

Lucy Ives: Poem | Bio

image of Denise Jarrott

Denise Jarrott: Poem | Bio

image of Hanae Jonas

Hanae Jonas: Poem | Bio

image of Andrew Joron

Andrew Joron: Poem | Poemfilm | Poetics | Bio

image of Siel Ju

Siel Ju: Poem | Bio

image of Tim Kahl

Tim Kahl: Poem | Bio

image of George Kalamaras

George Kalamaras: Poetics | Poem | Bio

image of Karla Kelsey

Karla Kelsey: Poem | Bio

image of Amy King

Amy King: Poem | Bio

image of Gabriella Klein

Gabriella Klein: Poem | Bio

image of Noelle Kocot

Noelle Kocot: Poem | Bio

image of Rodney Koeneke

Rodney Koeneke: Poem | Bio

image of Wayne Koestenbaum

Wayne Koestenbaum: Poem | Bio

image of Joshua Kryah

Joshua Kryah: Poem | Bio

image of Krystal Languell

Krystal Languell: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of Dorothea Lasky

Dorothea Lasky: Poem | Bio

image of Amy Lawless

Amy Lawless: Poem | Poemfilm

image of Gregory Laynor

Gregory Laynor: Poem | Bio

image of Joseph Lease

Joseph Lease: Poem | Bio

image of Karen An-hwei Lee

Karen An-hwei Lee: Poem | Bio

image of Jane Lewty

Jane Lewty: Poem | Bio

image of Jesse Lichtenstein

Jesse Lichtenstein: Poem | Bio

image of Sandra Lim

Sandra Lim: Poem | Bio

image of Sophie Linden

Sophie Linden: Poem | Bio

image of Hansa Bergwall & Timothy Liu video

Timothy Liu: Poem | Poemfilm | Bio

image of Kimberly Marie Lojek

Kimberly Marie Lojek: Poem | Bio

image of Mia Ayumi Malhotra

Mia Ayumi Malhotra: Poem | Bio

image of Tony Mancus

Tony Mancus: Poem | Poemfilm | Bio

image of J. W. Marshall

J. W. Marshall: Poem | Bio

image of Chris Martin

Chris Martin: Poem | Bio

image of Dawn Lundy Martin

Dawn Lundy Martin: Poem | Bio

image of Christina Mengert

Christina Mengert: Poem | Questionnaire | Poemfilm | Bio

image of Henri Michaux

Henri Michaux: Poem | Bio

image of Albert Mobilio

Albert Mobilio: Poem | Bio

image of Monica Mody

Monica Mody: Poem | Bio

image of Jennifer Moore

Jennifer Moore: Poem | Bio

image of Tracie Morris

Tracie Morris: Poem | Bio

image of Rusty Morrison

Rusty Morrison: Poem | Poemfilm | Poetics | Bio

image of Sara Mumolo

Sara Mumolo: Poem | Bio

image of Jonathan Stalling

Gina Myers: Poem | Bio

image of Andrew Nance

Andrew Nance: Poem | Bio

image of Sara Nicholson

Sara Nicholson: Poem | Bio

image of Colleen O’Brien

Colleen O’Brien: Poem | Bio

image of Ron Padgett

Ron Padgett: Poem | Bio

image of Caryl Pagel

Caryl Pagel: Poem | First Book Q&A | Bio

image of Hannah Sanghee Park

Hannah Sanghee Park: Poem | Bio

image of Soham Patel

Soham Patel: Poem | Bio

image of Hai-Dang Phan

Hai-Dang Phan: Poem | Bio

image of Douglas Piccinnini

Douglas Piccinnini: Poem | Bio

image of Alexis Pope

Alexis Pope: Poem | Bio

image of Daniel Poppick

Daniel Poppick: Poem | Poem | Bio

image of Hajara Quinn

Hajara Quinn: Poem | Bio

image of Brynne Rebele-Henry

Brynne Rebele-Henry: Poem | Bio

image of Marthe Reed

Marthe Reed: Poem | Bio

image of Eléna Rivera

Eléna Rivera: Poem | Bio

image of Beth Roberts

Beth Roberts: Poem | Bio

image of Kenyatta Rogers

Kenyatta Rogers: Poem | Bio

image of Martha Ronk

Martha Ronk: Poem | Bio

image of Eliza Rotterman

Eliza Rotterman: Poem | Bio

image of Tomaž Šalamun

Tomaž Šalamun: Poem | Bio

image of Carl Schlachte

Carl Schlachte: Poem | Bio

image of Chris Schlegel

Chris Schlegel: Poem | Bio

image of Rob Schlegel

Rob Schlegel: Poem | Bio

image of Danniel Schoonebeek

Danniel Schoonebeek: Poem | Bio

image of Sarah V. Schweig

Sarah V. Schweig: Poem | Bio

image of Taryn Schwilling

Taryn Schwilling: Poem | Bio

image of Talia Shalev

Talia Shalev: Poem | Bio

image of Jeff Sirkin

Jeff Sirkin: Poem | Poetics | Bio

image of Jonathan Skinner

Jonathan Skinner: Poem | Bio

image of Christopher Stackhouse

Christopher Stackhouse: Poem | Bio

image of Peter Streckfus

Peter Streckfus: Poem | Mixed Form Issue Introduction | Bio

image of Mathias Svalina

Mathias Svalina: Poem | Bio

image of Cole Swensen

Cole Swensen: Poem | Bio

image of Richard Tagett

Richard Tagett: Poem | Bio

image of Bridget Talone

Bridget Talone: Poem | Bio

image of Michael Thomas Taren

Michael Thomas Taren: Poetics | Translation

image of Steven Teref

Steven Teref: Poem | Bio

image of Terrell Jamal Terry

Terrell Jamal Terry: Poem | Bio

image of Gale Marie Thompson

Gale Marie Thompson: Poem | Bio

image of Daniel Tiffany

Daniel Tiffany: Poem | Poemfilm | Bio

image of Stacey Tran

Stacey Tran: Poem | Bio

image of Lynn Xu

Lynn Xu: Poem | Bio

image of Wendy Xu

Wendy Xu: Poem | Bio

image of G. C. Waldrep

G. C. Waldrep: Poem | Bio

image of Rosmarie Waldrop

Rosmarie Waldrop: Translation | Bio

image of Michael Joseph Walsh

Michael Joseph Walsh: Poem | Bio

image of Sharon Wang

Sharon Wang: Poem | Bio

image of Molly Weigel

Molly Weigel: Poem | Bio

image of Allyssa Wolf

Allyssa Wolf: Poem | Bio

image of Daniel Woody

Daniel Woody: Poem | Bio

image of Candice Wuehle

Candice Wuehle: Poem | Bio